
The Lasting Damage of Quick Fixes

Oh the quick fix… the cleanse, the diet, the detox, the magic weight loss plant/pill/injection.  Everything is always going to be so fast, so quick, so easy…just


Alan lost 100lbs in a year following this plan.  He has been relentless in his execution and it shows.  He’s built muscle, gotten stronger, and sped his metabolism up.  Instead of his body fighting him now his body is on his side.  He looks great, feels great, and has kept the weight off.  He doesn’t miss the sugar or the booze because he’s too busy feeling awesome and feeling proud of himself. 


I will say, this all-in, FAST fat loss mode is restrictive enough that it may not be for you and it is not a forever plan for anyone.  That is where the SLOW weight loss comes in.


SLOW Weight loss: Take the same workout regime and same nutritional regime as FAST weight loss BUT… you can have alcohol one night per week and you can have a dessert one night per week.  Simple right?  Simple doesn’t mean easy and simple doesn’t mean you won’t want some help, particularly with strength training.  That’s where we come in! Fill out the form at the top or bottom of this page and I will be in touch!


Our first location serves Portsmouth, Kittery, and the broader Seacoast community.  Our new location serves Kingston and the broader southern New Hampshire community.   We help people strength train, walk daily, and eat real food.


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