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Fundamentals of Fat Loss Part IV: Getting More Protein
Fundamentals of Fat Loss Part IV – Get Plenty of Protein We are back! In Part I, we talked about an overview of what we need to do to lose fat. In Part II, I covered burning more calories than you take in. In Part III we went over

Fundamentals of Fat Loss Part I
What is the best way for me to lose weight? How do I drop stubborn fat? When will these darn pants fit right? Why isn’t anything I’ve tried working?! These are some of the most common questions I get as a personal trainer. To be honest, I love them! It

101 Easy Healthy Choices
It all comes down to choices. If you want to lose weight, have all-day energy, build muscle, enjoy the way your clothes fit you, or improve your overall health, making better, healthier, fitter choices is the way to go. But where do you begin? I say, anywhere! Once you

Pumpkin Spice PROTEIN!
Confession: I love pumpkin spice ANYTHING! It’s delicious and I don’t care who knows. The problem with pumpkin spice season is that it always comes after a summer of a little too much food and drink. Right when we’re trying to tighten up the nutrition, a whole new temptation enters
The Hierarchy of Results
Did you know there is a hierarchy of getting amazing results? It’s so easy to step over dollars to pick up pennies. Where should you focus your effort? I do believe there is a hierarchy to getting great results, and if you start with level one, layer on level two,

How to SMASH the 100 Workout Challenge
The perfect workout program, the perfect diet, the perfect plan will never survive a lack of consistency. Consistency is the number 1 thing missing for most people and it is the number 1 reason for fitness failure. What if there was a way to keep you on track no matter