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Explore our freshest content: Insights and guidance for cultivating a healthier lifestyle. Find expert tips and uplifting stories to propel you on your fitness journey.
Your Life Changing 2023 is Ready!
Your life changing 2023 is ready. It actually starts now, with you reading this : ) After you thoroughly enjoy this article, you feel inspired, so you reach out. You’re smart so you contact me this month, before our prices go up. Our first stop is a quick phone call.
Weight Loss is a TEAM Sport!
If you are looking to lose weight and keep it off, it is an all hands on deck effort. Sustained weight loss can be so difficult because it isn’t usually one thing that made the weight pile on. Lifestyle factors play the biggest role in causing, and curing metabolic syndrome.
Perfection is NOT Required
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the integrated, whole lifestyle approach that we take to personal training in an article called GET ON THE PATH. I break down what we recommend for fitness, nutrition, sleep, hydration and mental hygiene. I’ve placed that breakdown below as well as a reminder.
Supplement of the Month: Greens Powder
When it comes to proper nutrition, I am always and forever a fan of food first, supplements second. We can’t expect supplements to be a magic bullet that makes up for poor quality nutrition. That said, even a very squared away diet can have holes. This is where supplementation does
On Target Nutrition Grand Opening!
I am very proud to announce the GRAND OPENING of On Target Nutrition! Our online store is located at This has been a long time coming. For those of you who know me, you know I have a bit of a challenging relationship with the supplement industry. Poor quality,
7 Winning Attitudes for Being your Fittest After 40
Unpopular thing to say: We aren’t little kids anymore. Sorry I know it is a rude way to open up an article but hang with me! I have some great stuff for you. Why does being fit after 40 seem so hard? I could sum it up that after 40,