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The 10, 3, 2, 1, 0 Rule of Better Sleep
Whether you are looking to get more energy, stay healthy, lose weight, or just maintain your sanity, sleep is vital. If you aren’t getting 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night consistently, you absolutely have to address this. Short term, you’ll feel much better, have more patience, and more energy. Medium
My Uncensored Opinion on Daily Weigh-Ins and Calorie Counting
I’ve noticed that everything in fitness is cyclical. One year, a habit or tactic is the hot “new” thing and the next year, the pendulum has swung and now you should never do that thing. The latest trends are that calorie counting is the only scientific way to go and you
Stop Being Normal, Start Being Human
I know I am playing with fire a little with this title as the term “normal” has evolved over the years. Let’s talk about what is all too common and is not working well for our health and fitness in America. Despite whatever doom and gloom headlines of the moment,
Fitness is the Gateway Drug
If your time in the gym doesn’t do something to enhance your time outside of the gym, something has gone wrong. When you get your start in fitness, I can almost guarantee it won’t end there. Fitness leads to better nutrition. I wrote about this a few weeks ago
It’s The Booze
Sorry friends. I am going to be a buzzkill. We all have to actively decide what our relationship to alcohol will be. That is going to look a little different for everyone. I will also say that most of us require a pretty high level of disfunction and poor health
Can a Wearable Help You Get Fit?
Can a Wearable Help You Get Fit? Today, I want to talk about the technological revolution that is “wearables”. What are wearable devices? It’s any apple watch, smart watch, gps watch, fitbit, or whoop strap type device that tracks things like steps, heart rate, heart rate variability, sleep, or overall